Suggest editsPrerequisites
Implementing Precisely Connect CDC with EDB Postgres Advanced Server requires the following components:
The EDB Postgres Advanced Server, EDB Postgres Extended Server and PostgreSQL Server products will be referred to as Postgres Distribution. The specific Distribution type will be dependent upon customer need or preference.
- Precisely supported source and target systems. The source, target or both can be your Postgres Distribution(s). In our example we will be using EDB Postgres Advanced Server for both the source and target database.
- Precisely Connect CDC software.
- PostgreSQL management tool such as pgAdmin or Postgres Enterprise Manager. In our example we will use pgAdmin. This tool will be used to verify that the data is being replicated as expected.
Configuring your PostgreSQL Distribution
These components are needed before integrating PostgreSQL Distribution with Precisely Connect CDC:
Two running instances of EDB Postgres Advanced Server.
pgAdmin must be installed on the Source and Target EDB Postgres Advanced Server instances.
A running instance of Precisely Connect CDC.
Enable WAL Archiving
The following steps demonstrate how to enable WAL Archiving on the Source EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance, which is required for Precisely Connect CDC’s replication functionality.
Go to the installation directory of EDB Postgres Advanced Server (e.g
C:\Program Files\edb\as14\
).Go to the data directory and open the postgresql.conf file.
Modify the following settings as per the given values.
archive_mode = on
wal_level = logical
archive_command = 'copy "%p" "C:\\archive_wal_directory\\%f"'
max_replication_slots = 20
- Restart the EDB Postgres Advanced Server Source instance.
No configuration e.g WAL Archiving is required on Target EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance.
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