Using the dynamic runtime instrumentation tools architecture (DRITA) v15

The Dynamic Runtime Instrumentation Tools Architecture (DRITA) allows a DBA to query catalog views to determine the wait events that affect the performance of individual sessions or the whole system. DRITA records the number of times each event occurs as well as the time spent waiting. You can use this information to diagnose performance problems. DRITA consumes minimal system resources.

DRITA compares snapshots to evaluate the performance of a system. A snapshot is a saved set of system performance data at a given point in time. A unique ID number identifies each snapshot. You can use snapshot ID numbers with DRITA reporting functions to return system performance statistics.

Taking a snapshot

Describes how to take a snapshot of system performance data

Using DRITA functions

Describes how to use DRITA functions to gather wait information and manage snapshots

Performance tuning recommendations

Explains how to review DRITA reports for performance tuning recommendations

Simulating Statspack AWR reports

Describes how to use DRITA functions to simulate Oracle Statspack Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reports