Building the EDB*Loader control file v15

When you invoke EDB*Loader, the list of arguments provided must include the name of a control file. The control file includes the instructions that EDB*Loader uses to load the tables from the input data file. The control file includes information such as:

  • The name of the input data file containing the data to load
  • The name of the tables to load from the data file
  • Names of the columns in the tables and their corresponding field placement in the data file
  • Specification of whether the data file uses a delimiter string to separate the fields or if the fields occupy fixed column positions
  • Optional selection criteria to choose the records from the data file to load into a given table
  • The name of the file that collects illegally formatted records
  • The name of the discard file that collects records that don't meet the selection criteria of any table

Control file syntax

The syntax for the EDB*Loader control file is:

[ OPTIONS (<param=value> [, <param=value> ] ...) ]
  [ CHARACTERSET <charset> ]
  [ INFILE '{ <data_file> | <stdin> }' ]
  [ BADFILE '<bad_file>' ]
  [ DISCARDFILE '<discard_file>' ]
  [ { DISCARDMAX | DISCARDS } <max_discard_recs> ]
{ INTO TABLE <target_table>
  [ WHEN <field_condition> [ AND <field_condition> ] ...]
  [ FIELDS TERMINATED BY '<termstring>'
    [ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '<enclstring>' ] ]
  [ RECORDS DELIMITED BY '<delimstring>' ]
   (<field_def> [, <field_def> ] ...)
} ...

Where field_def defines a field in the specified data_file. The field describes the location, data format, or value of the data to insert into column_name of target_table. The syntax of field_def is:

<column_name> {
  CONSTANT <val> |
  FILLER [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ] |
  BOUNDFILLER [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ] |
  [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ]
  [ NULLIF <field_condition> [ AND <field_condition> ] ...]
  [ PRESERVE BLANKS ] [ "<expr>" ]

Where fieldtype is one of:

CHAR [(<length>)] | DATE [(<length>)] | TIMESTAMP [(<length>)] [ "<datemask>" ] | 
INTEGER EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
FLOAT EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | DECIMAL EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
ZONED EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | ZONED [(<precision> [,<scale>])]


The specification of data_file, bad_file, and discard_file can include the full directory path or a relative directory path to the filename. If the filename is specified alone or with a relative directory path, the file is then assumed to exist, in the case of data_file, relative to the current working directory from which you invoke edbldr. In the case of bad_file or discard_file, it's created.

You can include references to environment variables in the EDB*Loader control file when referring to a directory path or filename. Environment variable references are formatted differently on Windows systems than on Linux systems:

  • On Linux, the format is $ENV_VARIABLE or ${ENV_VARIABLE}.
  • On Windows, the format is %ENV_VARIABLE%.

Where ENV_VARIABLE is the environment variable that's set to the directory path or filename.

Set the EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE environment variable to interpret environment variable references as Windows-styled references or Linux-styled references regardless of the operating system on which EDB*Loader resides. You can use this environment variable to create portable control files for EDB*Loader.

  • On a Windows system, set EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE to linux or unix to recognize Linux-style references in the control file.
  • On a Linux system, set EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE to windows to recognize Windows-style references in the control file.

The operating system account enterprisedb must have read permission on the directory and file specified by data_file. It must have write permission to the directories where bad_file and discard_file are written.


The filenames for data_file, bad_file, and discard_file must have extensions .dat, .bad, and .dsc, respectively. If the provided filename doesn't have an extension, EDB*Loader assumes the actual filename includes the appropriate extension.

Suppose an EDB*Loader session results in data format errors, the BADFILE clause isn't specified, and the BAD parameter isn't given on the command line when edbldr is invoked. In this case, a bad file is created with the name control_file_base.bad in the directory from which edbldr is invoked. control_file_base is the base name of the control file used in the edbldr session.

If all of the following conditions are true, the discard file isn't created even if the EDB*Loader session results in discarded records:

  • The DISCARDFILE clause for specifying the discard file isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARD parameter for specifying the discard file isn't included on the command line.
  • The DISCARDMAX clause for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARDS clause for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARDMAX parameter for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included on the command line.

Suppose you don't specify the DISCARDFILE clause and the DISCARD parameter for explicitly specifying the discard filename, but you do specify DISCARDMAX or DISCARDS. In this case, the EDB*Loader session creates a discard file using the data filename with an extension of .dsc.


The keywords DISCARD and DISCARDS differ. DISCARD is an EDB*Loader command line parameter used to specify the discard filename. DISCARDS is a clause of the LOAD DATA directive that can appear only in the control file. Keywords DISCARDS and DISCARDMAX provide the same functionality of specifying the maximum number of discarded records allowed before terminating the EDB*Loader session. Records loaded into the database before terminating the EDB*Loader session due to exceeding the DISCARDS or DISCARDMAX settings are kept in the database. They aren't rolled back.

Specifying one of INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE, or TRUNCATE establishes the default action for adding rows to target tables. The default action is INSERT.

If you specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY clause, then you can't specify the POSITION (start:end) clause for any field_def. Alternatively, if you don't specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY clause, then every field_def must contain the POSITION (start:end) clause, the fieldtype(length) clause, or the CONSTANT clause.

For complete descriptions of the parameters available for each clause, see EDB*Loader control file parameters.