You can use the faraway-replica-specific CLI commands to create, promote, and get information on faraway replicas.
To update, delete, and restore faraway replicas, use the faraway-replica update, faraway-replica delete, and faraway-replica restore commands. See Managing clusters with the CLI for more information.
Create a faraway replica
You use the faraway-replica create command to create a replica. You can use either interactive mode or a config file. This example shows interactive mode:
You're prompted to confirm that you want to create the faraway replica. After the faraway replica creation process is complete, it generates a replica cluster ID.
Get information on faraway replicas
You use the faraway-replica show-connected command to get information on faraway clusters for a specified source cluster. You can use either interactive mode or specify the settings with flags on the command line. This example shows interactive mode:
Promote a faraway replica
You use the faraway-replica promote command to promote an existing replica to a standalone single-node or high-availability cluster. You can use either interactive mode or specify the settings with flags on the command line. This example shows interactive mode:
You're prompted to confirm that you want to promote the faraway replica. After the faraway replica promotion process is complete, it generates a cluster ID.
IAM authentication CLI commands
To create a cluster that's enabled for IAM authentication, set the --iam-authentication flag on the cluster create command to Yes or in the configuration file to true.
To change the IAM authentication setting after creating a cluster, use the --iam-authentication flag on the cluster update command.
To change the IAM authentication setting when restoring a cluster, use the --iam-authentication flag on the cluster restore command.
You can get the URLs to access Prometheus metrics and logs in your cloud provider's blob storage solution using the cluster show-monitoring-urls CLI command.
The syntax of the command is:
If you don't use the optional flags to specify the output type, the output includes both the metrics URL and the logs URL.